Answered By: Jason Bontrager
Last Updated: Mar 22, 2023     Views: 89

Yes.  DVDs can be checked out for one week.  You can have up to five DVDs checked out at a time. You can also renew (check out again online) the DVDs two times before you have to return them to the library.

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) on the RELLIS campus does not have a physical collection, but items from the collection housed in Brenham, Bryan and Schulenberg can be requested and sent to the LRC in ACB2, rm 111 for pick-up.  Be aware that delivery times between campuses may make it significantly quicker to go directly to the Bryan campus if the title you want is located there.  Also, movies and documentaries can often be found online via two databases Blinn subscribes to: Kanopy and AVON.

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